Quick Start

myinfo-connector-python is built with Django to make easy-to-go application.

Step 1: Clone the repository in your local

git clone git@github.com:leeleelee3264/myinfo-connector-python.git

Step 2: Install Pre-requisite

Install Python

You can exclude python 3 is already installed in your local.

brew install python@3.8 pipenv

Set Python Path in ~/.zshrc

export PATH="/opt/homebrew/opt/python@3.8/bin:$PATH"

Refresh ~/.zshrc

source ~/.zshrc

Step 3: Install packages

cd ~/myinfo-connector-python
pipenv install 

Step 4: Start server

pipenv run ./connector/manage.py runserver 0:3001

Make your request

To make your first request, call apis in order.

Step 1: Get myinfo redirect login url

Get login url to redirect to myinfo

GET http://localhost:3001/users/me/external/myinfo-redirect-login

Get login url to redirect to myinfo. This url contains attributes about person data requested to myinfo.

    "message": "OK",
    "data": {
        "url": "https://test.api.myinfo.gov.sg/com/v3/authorise?client_id=STG2-MYINFO-SELF-TEST&attributes=name,dob,birthcountry,nationality,uinfin,sex,regadd&state=eb03c000-00a3-4708-ab30-926306bfc4a8&redirect_uri=http://localhost:3001/callback&purpose=python-myinfo-connector",
        "state": "eb03c000-00a3-4708-ab30-926306bfc4a8"

url: url to redirect to myinfo.

state: Identifier that represents the user's session/transaction with the client for reconciling query and response. The same value will be sent back via the callback URL. Use a unique system generated number for each user/transaction.

Step 2: Browse myinfo redirect login url

curl https://test.api.myinfo.gov.sg/com/v3/authorise?client_id=STG2-MYINFO-SELF-TEST&attributes=name,dob,birthcountry,nationality,uinfin,sex,regadd&state=eb03c000-00a3-4708-ab30-926306bfc4a8&redirect_uri=http://localhost:3001/callback&purpose=python-myinfo-connector// Some code

Step 3: Do login and check agree terms

(Automated) Step 4: Callback API get called by Myinfo

After login, Myinfo call our callback api to pass auth code as a response.

Callback called by Myinfo service

GET http://localhost:3001/callback

After login Myinfo and agree terms, Myinfo service automatically call myinfo-connector-python's callback API to pass auth code.

Query Parameters




The authcode given by myinfo's authorise API



Identifier that represents the user's session/transaction with the client for reconciling query and response. The same value will be sent back via the callback URL. Use a unique system generated number for each user/transaction.

<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
    <meta charset="UTF-8">
    <span>Callback from Myinfo. Wait for calling person data API</span>
    <span id="code-container">{{ code }}</span>

        function (event) {
            let code_element = document.getElementById('code-container')
            let code_text = code_element.innerHTML

            let url = `http://localhost:3001/users/me/external/myinfo?code=${code_text}`
            window.location.href = url

callback url example


Our callback api return simple HTML page to

  • get callback from Myinfo

  • call api for person data automatically right after the callback api called.

(Automated) Final Step: Get Person data from Myinfo

After callback, callback page automatically calls our api for person data

Get person data from myinfo

GET http://localhost:3001/users/me/external/myinfo

Get person data from myinfo. The API is final step of myinfo-connector-python

Query Parameters




The authcode given by myinfo's authorise API

    "message": "OK",
    "sodata": {
        "regadd": {
            "country": {
                "code": "SG",
                "desc": "SINGAPORE"
            "unit": {
                "value": "10"
            "street": {
                "value": "ANCHORVALE DRIVE"
            "lastupdated": "2022-07-14",
            "block": {
                "value": "319"
            "source": "1",
            "postal": {
                "value": "542319"
            "classification": "C",
            "floor": {
                "value": "38"
            "type": "SG",
            "building": {
                "value": ""
        "dob": "1988-10-06",
        "sex": "M",
        "name": "ANDY LAU",
        "birthcountry": "SG",
        "nationality": "SG",
        "uinfin": "S6005048A"

regadd: Registered Address of Person (including FIN holders)

dob: Date of Birth of Person.

sex: Sex of Person.

name: Full Name of the Person.

birthcountry: Country of Birth of Person. Refer to country in code table provided HERE for description of each code.

nationality: Nationality of Person. Refer to the Code reference tables in the Support section for list of possible values.

unifin: Singapore issued identification number of the Person.

Last updated