Quick Start
myinfo-connector-python is built with Django to make easy-to-go application.
Step 1: Clone the repository in your local
Step 2: Install Pre-requisite
Install Python
You can exclude python 3 is already installed in your local.
Set Python Path in ~/.zshrc
Refresh ~/.zshrc
Step 3: Install packages
Step 4: Start server
Make your request
To make your first request, call apis in order.
Step 1: Get myinfo redirect login url
Get login url to redirect to myinfo
Get login url to redirect to myinfo. This url contains attributes about person data requested to myinfo.
url: url to redirect to myinfo.
state: Identifier that represents the user's session/transaction with the client for reconciling query and response. The same value will be sent back via the callback URL. Use a unique system generated number for each user/transaction.
Step 2: Browse myinfo redirect login url
Step 3: Do login and check agree terms
(Automated) Step 4: Callback API get called by Myinfo
After login, Myinfo call our callback api to pass auth code as a response.
Callback called by Myinfo service
After login Myinfo and agree terms, Myinfo service automatically call myinfo-connector-python's callback API to pass auth code.
Query Parameters
Identifier that represents the user's session/transaction with the client for reconciling query and response. The same value will be sent back via the callback URL. Use a unique system generated number for each user/transaction.
callback url example
Our callback api return simple HTML page to
get callback from Myinfo
call api for person data automatically right after the callback api called.
(Automated) Final Step: Get Person data from Myinfo
After callback, callback page automatically calls our api for person data
Get person data from myinfo
Get person data from myinfo. The API is final step of myinfo-connector-python
Query Parameters
regadd: Registered Address of Person (including FIN holders)
dob: Date of Birth of Person.
sex: Sex of Person.
name: Full Name of the Person.
birthcountry: Country of Birth of Person. Refer to country
in code table provided HERE for description of each code.
nationality: Nationality of Person. Refer to the Code reference tables in the Support section for list of possible values.
unifin: Singapore issued identification number of the Person.
Last updated